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_ = require 'underscore'

Copy into object all properties from module

Macros =
  delegate: (to, what) -> 
    @[what] = @[to][what].apply @[to], arguments

class Application extends Controller
  metaCode @, 'module'
  @extend Macros
  @delegate 'req', 'userId'
  index: -> console.log @userId()

@objects {Objects...} the objects to extend with @api public

extend = (objects...) ->
  for object in objects
    for own name, property of object
      @[name] = property

Copy into object all properties from module onto the prototype

Authentication =
  currentUser: (cb) -> 
    User.find @session('userId'), (err, user) ->
      user = new User() if err

Authorization =
  authorize: (role, cb) ->
    @currentUser (user) ->
      throw new Error('Not Authorized') unless user.role == role

class Tweets extends Controller
  metaCode @, 'module'
  @include Authentication, Authorization
    @authorize 'admin', =>
      Tweet.find @params 'id', (@err, @tweet) => @render 'show'

@objects {Objects...} the objects to mix in @api public

include = (objects...) ->
  proto = @::
  for object in objects
    for own name, property of object
      proto[name] = property

The same as "include" only it does not copy the properties, it achieves augmentation by injecting copies of module-objects into the receiver's prototype chain

@objects {Objects...} the objects to mix in @api public

includeInter = (objects...) ->
  for object in objects
    module = _.clone(object)
    previousPrototype = @::
    @:: = module
    module.__proto__ = previousPrototype

make sure to preserve the constructor property

    @::constructor = previousPrototype.constructor if previousPrototype.hasOwnProperty 'constructor'

exports.extend = extend
exports.include = include
exports.includeInter = includeInter